St Columba's
Covid-19 safety guidelines
St Columba’s dancers has been liaising with other dance groups, in and around London, to prepare similar Covid safety guidelines:
We ask dancers to
keep up to date on any vaccinations offered
ideally, take a lateral flow test before coming
bring your own hand sanitiser and use in between dances
maintain social distancing when not dancing
leave if you feel at all unwell
notify us if you test positive within 2 weeks of attending a St Columba’s event
bring your own water/flask.
We will
keep the hall ventilated
notify everyone promptly if a fellow dancer subsequently reports a positive test
provide hand sanitiser in case people forget their own.
Please stay away if you
feel at all unwell
have had a positive lateral flow or PCR test
are subject to a legal requirement to quarantine or isolate.
Dancers are responsible for their own well-being including at the event and travelling to and from the event. All dancers must also consider the well-being of others. Before attending an event, dancers should check the latest government guidance on Covid-19 which can found here.
Willie Lawrence
Convenor, St Columba’s Dancers
May 2022